Friday, March 6, 2009

Just for the Record. . .

For those of you who have been watching the news and may have wondered....

Some Mormon women sing...

Some Mormon women dance...

Some Mormon women write scary stories...

Some Mormon women have lots of money and really great hair...

I know hundreds of Mormon women.

They do all kinds of different things and live all different kinds of lives.

This woman served as a leader in the Mormon church. She recently spoke to teenage girls worldwide. She encouraged them to stand up to peer pressure, strengthen their families and serve others. (Click here for more.)

None of the Mormon women I know look like this...

None of them are marrying off their teenage daughters and-- although some may joke about wanting a sister-wife (preferably one who is really fat & ugly, does bathrooms and changes diapers)--none of them really want to share their husband with anyone.


Some Mormon guys can throw a ball...

Some Mormon guys yell at the ball...

Some Mormon guys make scary movies...

Some Mormon guys have a lot of money and really great hair...

I know hundreds of Mormon guys. They do all kinds of different things and live all kinds of different lives.

This is one of the leaders of the Mormon church. Last Sunday he spoke about honoring women, especially mothers, and gave advice to husbands and children about how to treat the women in their lives. (For the whole story, click here.)

None of the Mormon men I know look like this...

The Mormon men I know are honest and hard-working. They don't cheat, smoke, drink or gamble. And TRUST ME....the last thing any of them want is another wife.

Wedding - Southern Style

It all started out with me pickin up my blushin
bride in a limo down at the 7 Eleven when she got off

My pappy ran down to the Burger King to pick
up the reception viddles.

I took my blushin bride to a place where
she could get dressed up and all.

My bride was
having problems with a worked up stomach,
if you
know what I mean, so we had the preacher meet us at the outhouse for the ceremony.

Afterward, Pappy
took a picture of my bride by her new tractor. It was a weddin' gift from our uncle.

Now that the ceremony was done. It was time to
celebrate. Granny had the cooler all stocked up with beer.

Bubba dragged out
the grill.

Cousin Nester went to roastin up some


Meanwhile everyone enjoyed some yard games.

Some of the fellas went water skiing.

The Hatfield girls brought their guns, jest in case.

When all the fun
was over, I took my bride to our honeymoon suite.

It even had air conditionin'.

After the honeymoon we loaded up and moved.

To our beautiful waterfront condo.

Seeing Without Eyes...?